Magic Maths( How to find the answer without knowing the question )

It's a unique trick of Vedic mathematics of Dhaval Bathia that will shock you.

How to find the answer without knowing the question!

Using this technique you can find the total of a set of five numbers without knowing the numbers.
I ask a member of the audience to give me three digit number. Let us suppose gives me the number 801. Then, I write the number 801 and after leaving four lines I write the final answer as 2799.

801 (Audience)


Thus i know the final answer without knowing the question all the numbers. Next I ask him to give me another three digit number. let us suppose he gives me 354. Now its my turn within one second, I write the next number as 645.
Now the audience give me 800 and I within the blink of eye write my number as 199. thus I have five numbers in place and ask the audience to find the total and the total was 2799.

801  (Audience)
354 (Audience)
800 (Audience)
Total= 2799


* From the first number of audience that was 801 subtract 2 and put always put a 2 in the beginning. This becomes your final answer. For example, subtract 2 from 801 it will give you 799 and them put 2 in the beginning (2799) this becomes your final answer.

*Next, we will see the secret of finding the subsequent steps. subtract each digit of the number that the audience gives you from 9 and you will have your number for example when the audience will give you 354 subtract each of the digits 3, 5 and 4 from 9 and get my answer as 6, 4 and 5. So my number is 645. when audience gives me 800, I will subtract each of the digits of 800 by nine and get my answer as 1, 9 and 9. So my number is 199.

A for audience and M for me

600 A                             600 A
481 A
518 M
909 A
090 M
Total=2598                  Total=2598

Why Career In Vedic Maths Is The Right Choice |



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