Quantum Physics
Max plank discovered quantum physics on 14th December when he was researching on Black body Radiation.
Concept 1
Dual Nature
Meaning a matter is a particle and a wave in the same time.
Concept 2
Uncertainly and Probability
Meaning anything can happen at anytime in quantum world. There is not 100% Probability.
Concept 3
Quantum Entanglement
Meaning when two particles get involved its known as entanglement.Whatever happens to particle 1 affects on particle 2.The bond is so strong that even if the particles are in distance of two planets, it will not break.If particle A is up then particle B is always down.
Superposition is the state in which matter is in all types of states/positions. But when any curious observer see it, it has to choose only in one state as the wave function collapse.
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